Monday, 22 March 2010

March already !!!

Been a fairly long time again since last update, spent alot of time playing WoW again. Currently an officer in the guild i am in and we have everything but the Lich King down on both 10 and 25man raids, tho we focus more on 25mans and have only had about 4hours on the Lich King in 10man.
Since there's little else for me to do I am atleast now only playing WoW by night so have the rest of the day to do other stuff.

Which brings me to my PS3 and Xbox360, there are so many good games for them that I havent played, I got my PS3 with Uncharted:Drakes Fortune, what an amazing game, very cool and still looks good for being such an early release.

Then there's my JRPG's that I have been playing, wish I could focus on one game alittle more but I seem to bounce around abit, currently have about 20hrs on Eternal Sonata, about the same on Star Ocean and Last Remnant, then I got Lost Oddessey for £9 so started playing that :D
Then they launch Final Fantasy 13 and I want to play that but I think it can wait a little bit ;)

Hopefully I can find some time to start alittle coding again, even if its just messing around learning Opengl or Directx stuff, I miss making demo effects while learning new stuff so it would be nice to do some again.